Finding Yourself In A New City


My writing has been all over the place recently, I’m not sure what it is but my creativity and drive to write has absolutely dried up.

Perhaps it’s because a year later, we’re still not COVID-free, or perhaps it’s because my life is changing in a way I didn’t forecast this time last year.

Up until about a year ago, I didn’t have a plan or a direction I wanted to take my life in. I didn’t think goals were attainable, and just wanted to go where the wind took me. Going with the flow took me to marketing, to social media and writing, which in all honesty aren’t too much of a stretch from my skills and talents. Since then I’ve pushed myself for more, I’ve proved my knowledge with certifications and exams and I’ve done my best to grow as a person.

But I think I’ve also forgotten to take the time to live a little, I can still work with my passions and build a life worth living. But I’m 22 living in London, there are so many things I could be doing right now (despite COVID) that I’m not saying ‘yes’ too.

What was that film? The Jim Carrey one where he had to say yes to everything for one whole day? I never saw the film, but I remember the trailer quite well. I wonder what would happen if each of us vowed to say yes for 24 whole hours. Depending on the company you keep you could end it drunk, rich, or in jail. To be honest, I think all three would be fun right now, so why aren’t we committing to it.

Lockdown has been hard, but the idea of finally seeing a post-pandemic London is positively amazing.


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