Finding positivity

As you can probably tell, I’m on a bit of a self-discovery and redemption arch this week. I feel like I’ve been seriously neglecting my blog and other commitments these past few weeks. Which is okay, it’s healthy to take a break every now and again, but I just don’t fully believe that the break was taken for the right reasons.

It’s important to find time for yourself, time to channel positivity, and time to refuel in times of stress. I’m definitely one of those people who needs time alone to feel happy and creative. It’s my space to just switch off for a while instead of constantly buzzing around the place like a hyperactive hamster. I have a slight phobia of over exerting myself or neglecting one thing in favour of the other. During summer I’m notoriously bad at keeping track of everything I want to do, I don’t think I’ve ever had a summer that’s been 100% positive. So I want to slowly and methodically sort myself out. The clubs are opening, the world is going back to normal. But I want to make sure my prioritises are in order.

This past year has been such a rollercoaster, I would have never thought that a year ago I’d be in a new job, living a new life in London with my best mate. Stuff can change so bloody quickly, it’s important to live in the moment. It’s important to make the most of the memories and the people in your life.


The Writing Hustle


Let’s Talk: Time Management