Fall In Love With Writing Again

We’ve all fallen victim to writers block at one point or another, but have you ever just fallen out of love with your words?

Honestly I couldn't tell you how many times I’ve sat on here and written about Writers block or the need to consistently motivate yourself to be creative. When you work in a creative industry like Marketing, it’s so easy for the tap to just run dry - you’re writing for your business, your clients, and never for yourself. Although writers block and creativity slumps are a given with the job, it does not mean that there’s no cure.

Recently, I’ve been working my butt off trying to reinvent the way I work and the business - that means I’m doing a lot more business writing than I normally do. I’m excited to see it grow and over the moon that the results of my work are already showing but I’m so drained.

One of my big personal goals for 2023 has been to write more for myself, I want to finish my first novel (that I’ve been working on for about 9 years at this point), I want to get back into pitching for news outlets and finally making use of that journalism degree that I’ll forever be in debt for. I want to expand my operations but it’s impossible to do that when you’ve lost your passion and creative flow.

So today I want to again focus on getting back into the swing of things, talking through what I do to fall back in love with writing and motivate myself to actually get the job done.


I’m nothing if not a learner, I find my biggest motivation from others - hearing about their wins and successes fills me full of ideas for my own writing and work. Call it “petty productivity”, seeing others succeed, workshopping ideas, and debating the best approach gets your brain ticking and encoiurages you to generate your own ideas.

Depending on what you want to write about, your choice of podcasts could vary massively. I tend to use podcasts to motivate myself at work, so my taste is:

  • Steven Barlett’s Diary of a CEO

  • Marketing Millenials

  • PPC Podcast

  • Girls In Marketing

But let’s be honest, everyone and their uncle has a podcast at the moment, so it’s very unlikely that you won’t be able to find one that fits your taste or niche.

Meet up events

This is a new one for me. Over summer I’m challenging myself to go to more pop-ups, events, and workshops in London. Over the past few months I’ve felt like I’ve completely lost track of the things that made me love London. Since signing up to writers talks, workshops, and open mics, I’ve felt more empowered to sit and work on my novel again.

Yesterday I attended a writers open mic night in central London and it was so refreshing to sit and listen to other peoples work, their passions, and some frankly interesting blog titles (Vulvarine, I’ll remember you forever). I definitely had some readers remorse when we all got talking about our favourite authors/poets (turns out trashy romance novels and marketing text books are a bit low brow) but I blagged my way through the evening. The moment I got home, up until now, I’ve been working on a random section of my book to try and keep the creativity going strong. It’s the petty productivity all over again.

Write something for you

I’m sick of recommending journaling as a viable way of getting over writers block .It really does work, but I’ve grown to think that journaling can be boring, and it’s difficult to make it frequent if you’re not really doing much. Why not write something for you? Step away from structured content and writers briefs and just write about whatever the hell you want. It doesn’t have to make sense, or be for any use, but as you get into the swing of things I guarantee you that the end product will be something you could make use of.

It’s all subjective

At the end of the day these tips will always be subjective. If you’ve been writing for a very long time then you’ll know how you work and the remedies for motivating yourself. If you’re a new writer, or business owner looking to create content but hitting a brick wall, there is support available. Whether it means you try the tips above or you get in touch with me.

Copywriting shouldn’t take up most of your time, and if it is, I would absolutely love to help you out. If you haven’t been here before or explored my site…I’m Steph, a freelance copywriter and marketer thats been helping businesses thrive online for seven years. If you’re interested in some affordable marketing support, head over to my services page. Alternatively, fill out the contact form below and I’ll be in touch


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