The ode to the bookstore

I never thought there’d be a day where I craved the finer things in life, but then COVID.

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot more about my relationships with books - they’ve played a pretty big part in my life. Growing up I was nicknamed Matilda, because I’d read a 300 page novel in the space of a day. I read the entire Harry Potter Series on the run up to my 16th. I was adamant to have them all done in time form visit to the studios. Gosh, there are literally thousands of stories floating about my head that go the exact same way. But the hours I spent squirrelling myself away in book stores, flicking through the YA section for new titles to invest in.

As nerdy girl, with little to do over summer, book shops felt likely safe haven for me.

I don’t quite know how I lost my love for books, perhaps it was going off to University. But for a few years now my love of reading has been on the decline. I invest in books to have them gather dust.

Over the next few months, I want to set myself a reading challenge. Just one book a month, until the end of the year.


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