Benefits Of A Writing Streak

I've seen a lot of talk about "writing streaks" recently, but are they worth doing? There are 101 techniques out there claimed to cure writing block and redundant writing, but this is the first time I've discovered "writing to write' as a benefit and not a curse.

As a marketer and blogger, I'm always writing in some capacity, but more often than not, my work fails due to writing blocks. Steph Writes Stuff has had at least one blog a week for the past two years after all - sometimes there are moments where I can not be arsed.

Whilst I know I'm not the best writer out there, I have a lot to achieve before I consider myself good; I love what I do, and I think that I could be fantastic with enough passion and dedication. So safe to say daily writing is something I'm keen to explore.

Reduces the pressure

Perfectionism can be a writer's biggest downfall; without the time to practice, hone your craft, and fix the blindspots in your skillset, it can feel like the perfect copy is unreachable. But writing daily gives you that space to grow without pressure, a deadline, or clients to tie down your creativity.

If you need a bit of guidance, there are pages, sites, and social media accounts dedicated to sharing writing prompts that get you out of a funk.

Easy to track your growth

There's always a tiny bit of me that hates scrolling through past posts. I've grown so much as a writer in such a short timeframe it's hard to see stuff I created that was subpar at best.

Yet it's an essential part of growth. How are you supposed to know if you're getting better without tracking your development?

It helps you get into a flow

After enough time, a writing streak can start to become muscle memory. You know how you work, where you work best, and how to cure writing block if it ever crops up.

Fix the bumps

Like I said earlier in this blog, I know I'm not a great writer. I know where I need work, and I don't particularly know how to overcome them. But a writing streak poses an excellent opportunity for me to work on my issues get into the flow of writing succinctly and effectively. With enough time and planning, I think this could be a great way to grow.

Will you be starting your writing streak?


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