A New Chapter

What would you do if life had a reset button?

Not the sort where you get to repeat the same day over until you’ve done it perfectly. I’m talking a flick of a switch and you’re life returns to it’s default settings, friends disappear, jobs become redundant, and suddenly you’re at the same standard of life you had before all the sparkly toys.

That very idea, absolutely terrifies me.

I’ve never really been religious or superstitious, but I’ve always felt like my life goes back to default at a certain point each year. In fact. this has been the case for the last three years at least, it’s just to hard to ignore.

I know it’s a silly thought but the facts are there, I’m here and the facts are all there. How do I overcome the anxiety and break the three year strike?

Burning out feels like it will help in the short terms but 100% not the long term.

Digital detox is not 100% possible.

Sleep is not at all possible

Trying to focus however we can…maybe.

The thing is, I’m a girl who likes to balance a lot of plates. I’m writing this through squinted eyes as I push away the impulse to close them before I brush my teeth. I freelance, I work 9-5, I go to the gym daily, and I seem to babysit others my age on how to live a normal life. But that is by no shape or form do I practice what I preach. If anything I’m on my way to a burn out. If I can spin these plates a little longer and faster, then maybe I can deal with the problems in September or October.

This year feels very very different compared to the last few, I feel more aware of myself, I feel centred in a way I’ve never felt before. I feel more like a woman in control than a superstitious kid. So I am mildly confident I can do this, it’s a new chapter for all of us. A chance to unwind and focus on the small things in life that really do matter.

This is my new chapter, by the end of this year I have three goals I want to complete:

  1. Finish a total of twelve online certificates.

  2. Add 2 more clients to the portfolio

  3. Publish the book


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