How To Stay Organised

I feel like If you've followed my blog for quite a while, you'll know that I'm a bit of a busy bumblebee. I believe that if you work hard and set out goals, then they will be achieved in no time.

I think I've always been like that. Despite not remembering half of my University life, I still worked hard.

Despite chronic hangovers, you'd find me at interviews, networking events, looking for businesses who would let me manage their public image for free and trying as hard as I could to get involved in the community around me. I'd only just discovered I could make a career from social media, so I was working damn hard to make sure I knew everything I could before I entered the real world.

Even now that I'm out in the thick of it all, I look for extra opportunities wherever they arise. I'm working to build-up my blog to the point where I can take on freelance clients again; I'm also still working with some of the free clients from my time in Uni. That whole time I realised a few things about myself;

  • I love being busy

  • I'm a lot more ambitious than I give myself credit for

  • And I organise myself like a grandma

It's not really a bad thing, but I also don't know many people who walked around with a Filofax before the age of 18. I was a fan of people aesthetically laying out their planners before I even knew about bullet journaling. I guess it was one of the few productive hobbies I had in my teens.

But the organisation is the key to doing anything if you think about it. Take the time to plan, and you can.

*That totally was not meant to rhyme. However, it does, and now I look like a 50-year-old.

If you're a frequent reader of my blog, then you'll know I'm currently in the pursuit of mindfulness. Although the idea of being organised feels like a massive pain in the butt, I think being organised is a big part of being mindful or at least more relaxed. I mean, the idea of being a chaotic mess doesn't sound very relaxing.

So here are a few things that I do to try and stay organised in my day to day life;

Write everything down

Nobody has the memory of an elephant, and nobody expects you to have one either. So instead of aimlessly wandering through life trying to remember whos birthday is when and what time you said that meeting was going to be, just write it down! You could keep a calendar, or you could invest in a planner like me.

I find it really helpful to sit and plan my day out in my diary. I can sit and think of everything I need to do that day and create a reminder and to-do list.

Figure out how you work best

This is a peculiar one, but once you crack it, you will officially have mastered the art of effective working.

Ask yourself, when do you work best? When you sit down to start your day do you have an eye for detail, or are you continually buzzing with ideas?

Use the answer to these questions to structure your day out a little more. Take the time to write your blogs and take your pictures when you're buzzing with creativity. Edit your writing and your photographs when you know you're more likely to spot the mistakes.

Trust me. It's a game-changer.

Set yourself some deadlines

One of the problems I encounter with my blogs is that I have no deadlines. Nobody but me will be disappointed if I don't get a blog live when I want it too. If I didn't put my mind to it, these blogs wouldn't go live, and there wouldn't be a Steph Writes Stuff.

So I set deadlines for myself, I provide myself with some structure, and I make sure that I never miss a single deadline. I'm quite lucky that I have to practise with work.

Continually declutter

Messy room, messy life. It's so important to continually declutter your work and living space. Not only is it just good practise but I think taking some time to declutter your area is an excellent way to refresh and relax. I've mentioned a few times that decluttering is a unique way to step away from your work.

But how you choose to organise yourself depends entirely on how you work. So these suggestions might absolutely revolutionise the way you live, but they could also be absolutely no help at all. But if you find other ways to organise yourself I'd love to know.


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