45 Things To Keep You Busy In Lockdown

I'll be honest, I haven't planned this blog title yet. But I've started to think that it's how I write my best openers. 

Life on lockdown feels weirder by the day. I don't really feel like I have an idea what's going on half the time. Does anyone else start a five minute task and end up finishing it five hours later? It's taken a lot of energy for me not to sit in bed all day scoffing my face with chocolate. 

Nearly 7 weeks in, it's not surprising that people are beginning to find it hard. When this lockdown first started I voiced concerns about the effect of the lockdown on peoples mental health. Now we're starting to see the concerns over the mental health of the public surface. 

I think it's really important for us all to be conscious of how we're coping with stuff. As a mental health first aider, the importance of supporting people and caring for yourself. I really liked the idea of 'Quarantine Resolutions'; creating low risk goals to keep yourself busy as the days fly by, but reducing the stress and pressure that comes with ticking boxes. The resolutions can be anything from losing some weight to finally sitting down and writing that book. 

But personally, if I feel like I'm on the verge of spiralling the idea of tasks that big seem impossible. It helps me feel more in control when I focus on the smaller things. It's like those adult merit badges people post on Instagram or sell on Etsy. By focusing on small tasks like remembering to buy milk or taking out the rubbish, you're helping yourself gain the confidence you need to move onto bigger stuff. I never thought I would be a person who sweats the small stuff but now more than ever, it's actually important too.

So to encourage 'sweating the small stuff', I've put a list together a list of 45 things I like to do to help me get back on track. If I feel like I'm spiralling, I refocus myself with a few days of minimal tasks. It stops me feeling overworked or anxious and lets me rest before going back to my goals.

  1. Read a novella.

  2. Fix rips in your clothes.

  3. Create a list of affirmations.

  4. Say your affirmations in the mirror.

  5. Clear out your room.

  6. Watch TV.

  7. Introduce a timer to control unhealthy habits. (Like reading the news)

  8. Call a friend for a Zoom coffee date.

  9. Put on a face mask.

  10. Paint your nails.

  11. Look for some healthy meals on Pinterest.

  12. Make the healthy meals.

  13. Attempt some five minute crafts.

  14. Watch a TED Talk.

  15. Try a digital detox.

  16. Reorganise your room.

  17. Write out your goals.

  18. Create a hassle free mood tracker. (You could colour code each day in your diary depending on how the day went!)

  19. Sleep in.

  20. Go for a jog around the block.

  21. Watch puppy videos.

  22. ESPECIALLY this video.

  23. Watch the sunset.

  24. Watch the sunrise.

  25. Bake cupcakes.

  26. Create a curated social media account.

  27. Discover some new bloggers.

  28. Make a shopping list.

  29. Colour code your DVD's or book shelves.

  30. Make a new Pinterest board.

  31. Start a gratitude journal.

  32. Listen to a podcast.

  33. Meditate.

  34. Create a budget plan.

  35. Call a friend.

  36. Check in with someone you haven't spoken to in a while.

  37. Create a reading list.

  38. Make your bed.

  39. Clean the bathroom.

  40. Clean the kitchen.

  41. Change your skin routine.

  42. Vacuum the sofa.

  43. Clean your stairs ( if you have them.

  44. Try bullet journal.

  45. Stay away from coffee, cigarettes and alcohol.

Of course, this list relates to me and my needs. Some of these may look absolutely silly to you, but hopefully this inspires you to create your own list of small tasks in case you have a down day.


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