4 Signs You’re Stuck In A Slump

Now we're a good few weeks into the global lockdown; it's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a positive mindset. It's effortless to get into a slump and to sit in bed all day playing Sims or staring into space; I know more than a few people who have already drained their extensive Gin supplies and taken up smoking. Sometimes taking some time off and spending the day in bed can be healthy. I'd go as far to call it 'self-care', but with everything, there's a limit to it.

I'm not saying that having time like this is terrible in any way, shape or form. But I'm a person who likes to keep busy. I love having a task or working to create a tangible product that shows how I've spent my time. But it's simultaneously essential to listen to what your body needs. If you need some time to focus on you, then take that time!

The past week I've fallen behind on all my aims to be productive. I've gone to bed at silly hours, spent most of my days engrossed in YouTube and trying to fumble my way through a complicated book. Looking back, I don't think there's anything, in particular, I'm proud of, and I don't feel better because of the six 'self-care' days in a row. There could be many reasons for being in a slump; the most common is mental health. 

Considering the current state in the world, it's not that surprising that people are struggling with mental health. I wrote a blog when the lockdown started in the UK about ways to look after your own and your loved ones mental health during COVID-19. But it seems that I've forgotten to follow it myself!

Being stuck in a slump is not the end of the world, but it's probably a good idea to get out of it as soon as possible. The best way to fix the slump is to identify you're in it. Then, you can look for ways to pick yourself up and get going!

Are you sleeping in?

So many people are staying up until 4 or 5 am to play video games and end up sleeping through the following day. Although this habit is not proven to cause mental health problems, it is found to be a symptom of mental health problems. It's best to try to establish a set sleeping schedule, or try and keep to your normal one as much as possible, so you have plenty of time to stay In contact with your friends and see the sunlight. 

Are you keeping in contact with loved ones?

On that note, are you keeping in touch with loved ones? Regular contact is especially important if you live alone or have a conflict with people you share you're isolating with. Keeping in touch with friends and family outside the home is essential if you want to stop your home feeling like a prison cell. In today's world, there is no excuse to not speak to people. Use this time as an opportunity to connect with people you haven't talked to for years and reconnect with loved ones.

I've started hosting themed nights with me and my uni friends, everything from pub quizzes to festival themes!

Are you eating healthy?

Although the idea of sitting inside eating all the junk food is incredibly tempting, binge eating or comfort eating isn't right for you and is a sign of eating your emotions. Of course, I'm not judging if you want to work your way through the last of your Easter eggs but keep an eye on whether it's becoming a regular occurrence. Try setting a meal plan out for yourself. It helps you plan your shopping trips out better and encourages you to scour Pinterest in the search for some healthy recipes that bring some fun back into your meal prep.

Another excellent source for cooking Inspo is Tasty.

Do you know what you want? 

Bit deep, I know, but what do you want to do during this time? If you've been made unemployed or put on leave, then maybe this is the time to sit and evaluate your current skillset. Taking time to sit and write a list of everything you want to do/accomplish is a convenient way to take stock of your goals. We don't know how long this lockdown will last, but when will we ever have this much free time again? 

It's effortless to spend the whole day playing video games or sleeping in, but after a while, it can cause some issues. I've seen loads of graphics and blogs saying that the earth is healing from us, so why not follow suit and work on a bit of self-care? 


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