30 Things To Do Before You're 30

I'm sure I'm not the only person who's been thinking a lot about mortality and everything I'd like to accomplish.

I know it's a bit of a bleak way start this blog entry but It's true, with this abundance of time we have I really wouldn't be surprised if people were filling up a few hours by expanding on their bucket lists a little bit. Those who have never been abroad may finally commit and send off for their passport, people who've wanted to buy a house for years might finally be able to put down a deposit after saving money and the people who have always wanted to become a published author might finally have the chance to put pen to paper.

I've personally found myself sinking back into 2010's Steph, who could sit down with a book and be so involved in it that it would be done in one sitting. I've been exercising once a day (As per my daily government allowance) but after a week I still feel like I don't have the stamina or the bone strength to run more than 2km before crumbling in pain.

Painting has been a weirdly amazing way for me to drive away the crazy. I'm definitely not any good and will make no claim to be. But there is nothing more satisfying than messing around with some watercolour drawings in your bullet journal and being fully aware of the fact it's rubbish.

I've started bullet journalling too, that's been relaxing and helped me focus on some ideas for my blog while I'm stuck indoors. However, I'd say my spreads are more reminiscent of 'Wreck This Journal'. I actually made a spread for this blog and a few future ones which I'd like to share on one unique post. But at the moment I'm barely confident enough to share my spread for this entry. 

My point is the same as the one I've pushed on you in past blog posts. People are inspired by the time we've been given. Creativity is in excess and our time is in abundance. People want to escape this scary scary world we currently live in. Out of these dark times we might discover poets who match that of Wilfred Owen and we might discover novelists that topple J K Rowling. The inspired people stuck in doors will finally have no excuse to achieve their big life goals.

But at the same time, there is no denying that a lot of us will be dreaming about the smaller things in life too. Things which once felt like a natural born right to us westerners will now feel like a luxury and will be savoured like one: getting our nails done, the first McDonalds and even a casual coffee with old friends. We're going to be coming out of lockdown with a new view on life and a new appreciation of everything we have.

With that in mind, I've created a bit of a list for myself. Everything I want to accomplish before I'm thirty. Writing bucket lists is really useful if you're looking for a moment to take stock on everything you have already. Creating a bucket list lets you take a second to look at what you really want in life and lets your mind buzz with excitement about how to achieve the goals you set yourself. Ticking things off a list, no matter how big or small gives you an amazing sense of accomplishment that is priceless. 

I've got nine years to achieve these goals, some seem big and some seem right around the corner for me. But they're things I want to tick off nonetheless!

  1. Pass my driving test

  2. Learn to make coffee like a professional

  3. Get a puppy

  4. Get a cat 

  5. Write a book

  6. Get it published

  7. Make my blog take off

  8. Start a Cafe

  9. Open my own agency

  10. Get a passport and visit the following:

  11. Amsterdam

  12. Thailand

  13. New York

  14. Gibraltar

  15. Disneyland

  16. Chernobyl 

  17. Fall in love

  18. Move out

  19. Buy a house

  20. Master Yoga

  21. Master interior design

  22. Reach my goal weight 

  23. Open an online clothes store

  24. Learn to cook pho

  25. Use a stone bake pizza oven

  26. Build a treehouse

  27. Roast marshmallows on the beach

  28. Pass my Facebook exams

  29. Find peace

  30. Make a list of everything to do before I'm 40

In a dream world I'd get working on achieving some of these now, but that is easier said than done. Like I said, a few of these are just around the corner for me so I may write about them on Steph Writes Stuff.


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